“CMD Environmental is the main agent for Aquamax Sewage Treatment systems in Ireland. 

CMD Environmental is also an Agent for the Ecoflo Coconut Teritary Treatment Filter.

CMD Environmental stock all parts required for AQUAmax systems.”

CMD Environmental also supplies industrial Systems

Aquamax Sewage Treatment Units



Ecoflo Brochure

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Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is the process of capturing rainwater in a holding tank from the roof and re-using it.... Rainwater should not be used for drinking water, preparation of food etc.

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Maintenance & Services

We offer maintenance contracts for all our aquamax sewage plants. We have 7 day a week callout service for all breakdowns or service call […]

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Perlocation Services

Pipe Kits for pressurized percolation areas. Concrete pump chambers & pumps to suit individual percolation areas. Pipe kits made to order with holes drilled.